Tuesday, October 14, 2014


It's been another long while.

We've crept halfway through October and that makes it slightly over a month in a new country. I've gotten used to a new currency in my wallet, the dirty streets and the infamous English weather. When I say I've gotten used to the weather, that is in no way synonymous to acclimatization. I shiver most hours of the day still. What I'm referring to is the need to have an umbrella in every bag you carry and that hoods on jackets are an essential requirement of life. I don't ever think I will grow to enjoy this weather, and the people who I've watched online for years make autumn and winter sound fantastic but really it's dreadful and I'd rather be sitting by the pool in my 30C heat back home.

It has been refreshing though, this move. I'm sat at my desk, having broken away from a night of online shopping and presentation research. I've finally put homesickness at the back of my mind, and I've formed a routine of cooking, studying, trying to be social, hand-washing clothes, going to the launderette and taking a bus into town once a week just so I can get out of school for a tiny bit. I can't say I love Brighton, because I really don't. I don't understand why the English rave about this place, but at the same time I do. I don't want to, and shouldn't complain, because I've still been eating and living well. I've received 2 parcels from home (1 was medicine since my immunity is negative here, the other was mum's little something) and I'm expecting 2 more, also a delivery from Topshop and iHerb. Receiving mail over here feels slightly more of an adventure, because it doesn't come to my bedroom door via Dad at night but me having to walk out to the reception and opening the mailbox to see if I have a chit to retrieve at the counter.

I've grown to be comfortable in this room. I stayed in my room the whole of yesterday. Most of my flat mates are wonderful and friendly. There is the (growing) occasional noise but I try to accommodate and be social. Our kitchen is in a constant mess, and I'm becoming increasingly ok with it. Living here has been the truest, purest test of my patience and I think I'm coping relatively well.

I've been making lots of the same kinds of food, mostly because there is only so much a student can afford. The Foodilic buffet on North Street has turned into a weekly place to go to. I miss soups at home so, so much. I reckon it'd be the some of the only things I'll be eating when I'm home this year end.

Every Tuesday there's a farmers market at the union square, and I've gone for every single one since I got here. I'm going again tomorrow, maybe to get some sundried tomatoes and definitely some celeriac. A thing about being here is that I'm trying all the vegetables that are ridiculously priced at home for cheap. That's nice. I snap lots of photos for my conversations. Another thing here is the soy yogurt I eat almost every morning for breakfast. I wish Singapore did something about our uncomforting yogurt choices. My favourite is the new zero sugar one from Provamel, which I get from Taj the Grocer for 99p for a 500g tub. I always buy 2 at a go. I've also found Biona bread, something I've wanted to try for a long while. Twice I've gotten the rye variety. I might get a new one the next time.

In about a week and a half we have our mid-terms break. The group of us are planning a day trip up to London. I've got the Veggie Table @ Borough Market on my to-go list, and also Wild Life Eatery, perhaps for some dinner with Hannah. There are so many wonderful raw restaurants in London, I don't think I would ever cover them all. I hope we go pass Kesington Street, and I can pop into Wholefoods.

Nothing is quite a pocket full of posies, but I reckon it will get better in time. I'll do photos another time maybe. Time for bed.

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