Sunday, June 01, 2014

Half Past

Downed my mandatory morning fruit bowl, 2 eggs and had Ezekiel toast with black sesame spread (luxe). I have a chai soy latte in hand and I'm ready to take over this keyboard.

While waiting for the rawest of all raw blisters to dry out as I'm due in heels in approximately 2 hrs.
This is as exciting as my post-internship life has been so far.

I've been feeling a little more social than usual recently. I credit this to the celebratory end of my 5 month internship that happened on Friday. I waltzed through the doors at 5.30 p.m and wanted to hug the next person I saw to death. It actually ended with the most terrible news that made my departure slightly sour, but not enough to dampen the high notes of being finally free from the reigns of full-time office hours. What may or may not be so celebratory would be that I've used the first half of my year mostly mopping about my lack-of-a-better-word disgusting schedule, and I'm only left with a couple months or so back home before I leave.

I am still pretty damn proud I made it though.
8.30 a.m - 5.30 p.m.

But I have the most flexible hours now and I can look forward to seeing what's beyond a desktop screen.

Prior to lunch with Andrea, I had weekly interjections of lunch time quickies with one and after-work dinners with others.

Lunch hour chai time excitement with this one. We talked about a few things and it triggered me to think lots about the people I choose to be around me. There is so much beauty in the perspective she pushes me into; I fall easily into her fluidity and I lose my standard structure of things. But that in itself becomes our structure. Talk is easy, we blabbered for an hour and a half before I ran back to the office and hoped I wasn't the last one back.

Self-explanatory. 5 years, everything is still the same and I love that. Sometimes people just don't like change, you know?

On the 27th my aunt bought the entire department dinner as gesture of thanks for tiding over the peak period with about half the manpower we were supposed to have. Those weeks. Resolutions in my file everyday, if not, posting or scanning or some sort of something. I went with zero expectations, I didn't know what would come out of an office dinner but I thoroughly enjoyed myself! We laughed lots, even while picking up prawns at the buffet line I could hear my mentor making a joke about client X. It was like a massive girls night out and I'm so glad it happened before I left. What I took away that night was a lesson that I don't think I could have learnt anywhere else. When you make the best of out of something, everything falls into place. I must remind myself more often.

I'm due to see the Sunshiners soon. My mood today is "~politely submitting application to terminate social consciousness with immediate notice~" but I'm going to make the best of my time with them anyway. A months ago it was hard for me to stomach my departure in September, but now that that is coming round so soon, I'm just going to embrace and roll along with it.


  1. where do you find ezekiel toast in sg?

    1. You can try Brown Rice Paradise or any Four Seasons market.
