Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Camden Lock/London

On Saturday our train pulled into London Victoria by mid morning. I felt an instantaneous blow of "Londonness" the moment we stepped off the train, I could feel the buzz and rush just walking through the ticket gantry. We headed for the tube; us girls went off to Gloucester for Belle to drop her belongings and Anthony left us to go to ComCon.

We had another bout of train changing before we finally arrived at Camden Town around, noon I would say.

 I was determined to get myself to Inspiral, which we eventually found. Did a takeaway salad box (which turned out small, over-priced and not particularly tasty) and we shared 3 raw cakes - passionfruit cheesecake, a chocolate ganache thing and a cacao hazelnut...thing. I thought it was a way better rendition of raw desserts compared to Living Cafe back home. There was hardly a hint of coconut and that already ticks all my boxes in a raw dessert. I can only consume coconuts fresh and in whole form. Please do not put them in my raw desserts. Coconut is nono-nut. Just. No.

Guys I'm actually sitting on the floor

Camden was mostly a reminiscence of Bangkok, all the stalls were selling basically the same things, and mostly for prices unacceptable to a student's pocket. Maybe we didn't get to the gems, but we left by mid afternoon for Oxford Street anyway. Spent a good bulk of time in Topshop before getting into a flurry relocating Anthony with a dying/receptionless phone.

Nando's for dinner just because.

It felt like a short but long day. Anthony and I took the train back to Brighton and the other two stayed on. Everyone is back now, and reading week work is starting to kick in full swing. Mostly since I spent 95% of my Sunday passing time.

Autumn is officially here with the clocks having gone back an hour. I also just edited my countdown timer to my flight home, since I changed my flight to 12hrs earlier ;) Just a little over a month till I'm back to my daily soups and sunny pool side. 38 days!

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