Wednesday, November 05, 2014


Things that top my list of priorities when lectures are cancelled include making granola. Activating/sprouting my nuts and seeds here is so much quicker on the electric hob than using the broken oven back home. I opted out of my usual grain of choice — buckwheat — and used the oats from Sainsbury we got in my first week here instead. So this is a batch of maca-cinnamon granola on top of some acai soy yogurt.

The weather digits have been diving down in the past week, it is almost my every reason to skip classes and not leave the flat. I can't even be arsed to take myself to the gym up on the hills, and that says a lot.

I did manage to drag myself there on Saturday though, when it was still double-digit weather and not disgustingly cold. Views from outside the library. Autumn is really here.

And then walking back to Northfield

This was a photo Belle sent to us yesterday, when Mantell offered something decent for once

And more while I was walking back from class

Feels like my grades are dropping as quickly as the leaves are. 

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