Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A for Adeline, A for Ayurveda

I have this intrinsic and odd belief that anything beginning with 'A' correlates to my being. That is my basis for learning about ayurvedic principles. I am very serious.



No, I'm actually not.
My interest in ayurveda stemmed from orthorexia, so well that was one good thing that came out of that I guess. Natural healing always intrigued me, it's prevalent yet not. It exists, yet it doesn't. Kind of. It's a kind of thing I feel like, you have to believe. I grew up watching my Dad consume chinese concoctions, and I remember little me questioning the likes of it. Now that I'm older, I've learnt to appreciate what the western world cannot offer. Mum was right about returning to our roots eventually; I end up going back to Asian practices that have existed but I never bothered giving a chance.

So I've spent the afternoon returning from my very last work shift reading site after site on ayurvedic practices and learning about my dosha. I believe I am mostly Vata, it comes through quite clearly

Typical characteristics of people with a predominantly Vata constitution 
Physically underdeveloped, too tall or short, thin/slender frame, have difficulty gaining weight
Flat chests, visible veins, joints and muscle tendons due to poor muscle definition
Dull complexion and cold, rough, dry, cracked skin that wrinkles easily
Hair is dry, dark, and curly.
Eyes small, dark, active and lack lustre; thin eyelashes
Nose bent and turned up; nails are dry, crooked, rough and break easily
Don’t perspire much Appetite and digestion are irregular and physical stamina poor
Elimination is irregular
Sexually easily excitable but quickly satiated
Talk and walk quickly
Often hungry and like to snack
High energy in short bursts, tendency to tire easily and to overexert
Highly imaginative, creative, and mentally quick
Quick to learn and grasp new knowledge, but also quick to forget
Weak reasoning power, little willpower, tend toward mental instability
Little tolerance, confidence or boldness
Excitable, lively, fun personality
Changeable moods, irregular daily routine
Full of joy and enthusiasm when in balance
Respond to stress with fear, worry, and anxiety, especially when out of balance
Tendency to act on impulse, often have racing, disjointed thoughts
Tendency to ‘dream’ and not put thoughts into action
Tend to earn money quickly and spend it quickly also

I'm back into the thing about channeling my inner self. It's a fun read, and I think I'm going to the library tomorrow to read more. This is the beginning of a little personal project.

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